The Book Couple looks forward to working with you to produce a high-quality book, and we are committed to completing it within the agreed-upon time frame. That time frame can be influenced by a number of factors, the most determinate of which is a scheduled event. If you’re planning to release or introduce your book at an event, we suggest allowing at least six months for the editing and production process prior to your event. It’s best to begin sooner than that, of course, to publish your most thoughtful work and in case there are any delays. With that said, we have performed some miracles. So, if you need a miracle, let us know.

The editorial and production process is complex and involves many steps. A delay at any stage in the process can lead to a delay at the next stage. The process is also cooperative. We work hard every step of the way to ensure that we all stay on schedule. We rely on you to provide certain materials, information, and approval at certain stages of the process. You can learn more about the steps of the process here.

Please be sure that the manuscript you submit for production (aka design and typesetting) is as polished as possible by working with a professional book editor. Once a manuscript is submitted for typesetting, no further changes can be made to the manuscript. All proofreading changes and author revisions need to be input by the typesetter into the design software. Major revisions after a manuscript has gone into the production process can result in delays. Standard proofreading corrections are expected and are common throughout the book publishing industry.

Please click through the other posts on our website to get a more complete picture of the process. We are available to clarify anything that is not clear to you, so please ask. Thanks!