When appropriate for your content, art and graphics enhance the visual appeal of your book. If you are working with us, please follow these guidelines:
  •  Electronic images should be high-resolution (minimum 300 dpi) in TIF, JPG, PNG, or PDF format. Images that have been created in Adobe Illustrator should be submitted as EPS files. The art should be submitted electronically.
  • Do not embed art or graphics in the Word document, but be sure the manuscript clearly indicates where the art or graphic is to be inserted with the use of brackets and clear instructions to the typesetter. For example, [TYPESETTER: INSERT FIGURE 1.1 HERE]. Electronic file names, exactly as they appear on the images provided, should be reflected in the manuscript; for example, [TYPESETTER: INSERT FIGURE 1.1 HERE (XYZ.TIF)].
  • If figure captions are to be used, please type them into the manuscript immediately under the art/graphic insert designation, preceded by the words “figure X.X caption:” followed by the desired caption exactly as you want it to appear in brackets. For example, [FIGURE 1.1 CAPTION:Description].
  • If artwork needs to be scanned, it must be in camera-ready condition (crisp lines and clean white background or high-quality photos).
  • Permission, as well as a reprint line, is needed for any art/graphic that is not the property of the author or is not royalty free.