With almost a million books published each year in the United States alone, the publishing industry is akin to a thick stew. You’ll find lots of tasty morsels in that pot, but separating them out takes work. Likewise, it’s difficult for any one book to stand out without significant effort on the author’s part. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to be a quality writer, write about a trending or interesting topic, and have a great book design. If they want their book to sell, an author has to prove to their potential fanbase that their book is worthy of being bought and read. That’s where an author platform comes in.

An author platform is the launching pad you use to propel your book into the world so that it lands in the hands of as many readers as possible. What does a well-rounded author platform include? A dynamic website, an e-mail list, strong social-media connections and interactions on popular platforms, a blog or podcast, published articles, current and future speaking engagements, workshops, professional video interview(s), professional videos highlighting you and your work, endorsements, and a marketing and promotional plan—along with a preexisting fanbase, online and offline.

You may have heard that traditional publishers only sign on authors with a strong author platform. That’s because they want authors who have already established credibility among potential readers by positioning themselves as an authority or expert in their subject—even with a work of fiction. Publishers usually want proof that people (a lot of them) like what you have to say and are waiting to hear more from you. Why? Because this pretty much guarantees book sales, which protects their investment.

That’s why it’s important to put yourself out there and start growing your fanbase and social connections early on in the process of preparing to launch a new book. This might seem counterintuitive; wouldn’t a book need to be out before you can build your audience? The answer is no. The sooner you begin putting yourself out there, the more traction your book will have once it is released. This is true whether you want to publish traditionally or on your own. Just as publishers are looking for authors with a strong author platform and a way to sell their books to their fanbase, you’ll probably want the same when you are acting as your own publisher.

If you don’t know where to begin, contact us to schedule an appointment with a coach.