Title: 7 Breakthrough Biggies: How to Conquer Everyday Life Challenges & Create Transformation in Your Life!
Author(s) Kathy Mela, Mindset Navigator
ISBN13: 978-0692864715
Author(s) Kathy Mela, Mindset Navigator
Published by: Mindset Navigator Books
Our beliefs and perceptions define our sense of the world around us, and they may not always represent the actual truth. This belief system is your story—your perception of your life experience.
You are in charge of your story and you get the opportunity to rewrite it whenever you choose to create a life you’ll love to live!
7 Breakthrough Biggies inspires you with concepts and exercises you can use to navigate and transform your life.
Kathy Mela is an author, speaker, thought transformer, business leader, mindset coach, and entrepreneur. She offers support in discovering answers and creating a roadmap for your life. Visit www.kathymela.com
ISBN13: 978-0692864715
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