Author(s) D.H. Williams
Published by: Conquer Your Addiction LLC
You or your loved one has tried rehab, 12-step programs, and/or other methods to try and break the hold of alcoholism on your life, often multiple times. But nothing seems to work—at least not for long! You may have also sought clear answers about the often complex and confusing world of alcoholism and addiction treatment, but were frustrated to find the information fragmented, too high-level, or even contradictory, and certainly not put together in a coherent, integrated, all-in-one resource.
Now comes How to Conquer Your Alcoholism! This groundbreaking new program and reference guide looks to succeed, where all else has failed, in two key ways. First, its 13-Level approach combines the best-of-the-best of individual treatment tools with unconventional new “insider” methods that together provide a comprehensive, innovative, and above all practical new program to get you sober and keep you that way.
Second, it provides you with all the resources you need to navigate your way to sobriety with easy-to-understand explanations of complicated topics and useable how-to directions. In short, this program and book provides you with all the tools you need to Conquer Your Alcoholism!
D.H. Williams is an internationally known expert in the communications technology field. He graduated at the top of his Electrical Engineering and MBA classes from two top universities, and has consulted for many of the world’s leading technology firms. He has authored several technology books, been quoted in numerous national publications, and has one patent pending. Despite that impressive resume, and many attempts at “traditional” alcoholism treatment programs, Williams lost nearly everything: jobs, money, marriage—and nearly his life—due to his addiction to alcohol. In a perfect storm of circumstances, he invented and perfected the Conquer Program, creating a whole new set of defenses to replace those ravaged by the disease of alcoholism. With this program he has rebuilt a successful, sober, and happy life, and so can you!
ISBN13: 978-0692361894
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