Creativity is the quality or power to create.
We are all creative beings. We create ourselves anew every day through our actions (or lack of action) and interactions with the world and one another. There are many levels and types of creativity, or creative expression. Sometimes our creative expression takes the form of the written word . . . or on a grander scale, a book idea or project.
If you’re reading these words right now, that’s where your creativity has led you. You have a message to share, a good idea to introduce, or an important story to tell—whether you are trying to reach hundreds of thousands or just your circle of friends, family, and acquaintances . . . or anywhere in between.
The power of creativity is huge and can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, disjointed, or vague. Book coaching can help you harness and focus that power to stay on course with your project, keeping true to your goals, your message, and your audience.
On the other hand, creativity can sometimes be elusive, and you suddenly find yourself without direction or without a clear destination. Book coaching can help you there, too, by gently guiding you down the path that will return you to that space where your creativity dwells.
Even when your creative juices are flowing, the power of combined creativity can manifest a magnificently unique book that you can proudly call your own when you go out to share it with the world.
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