Title: A Guide for Teachers of the Holocaust: A father and son’s story of escape and hiding from the Nazis (Escape and Hiding: Lessons from the Holocaust)
Author(s) Max Amichai Heppner

This concise, illustrated Guide provides context for parents, caregivers, and teaching professionals on a father and son’s view of the Holocaust. The Submergers is a father’s view of how Nazi persecution affected him and his family, while I Live in a Chickenhouse presents the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of his son, from ages 8 to 13, who tries to make sense of the events that are upsetting his young life.

The Guide clarifies the relationships among the various characters in the two books, explaining clearly who they are to each other. The book looks at specific challenges faced by these characters, and asks readers how they might respond to similar circumstances. Suggested responses to life-challenging questions will stimulate readers to find their own answers.

To make the Holocaust personally meaningful to students in junior and senior high school, this Guide examines how even minor contempt toward people who look and act differently can develop into horrific actions. This progression is equally challenging to adults. The Guide also presents a brief history about Jews in the Netherlands and clarifies the situation of German Jews who fled there.

Additionally, this Guide gives the author’s view of the root of anti-Semitism (and prejudice against any group) by looking into the human psyche to see what resides there that enables such cruelty and persecution.

The authors personally lived through the traumatic events they narrate. Max Heppner has spent a lifetime examining why and how these challenges occurred—and how they can be prevented in the future. He presents this in vivid detail in an earlier book, A Vision of Love for Christians and Jews.

Published by: Heppner Books
ISBN13: 978-1734895339