Title: Attitude Determines Altitude: Our Roller-Coaster Journey Through Stage 4 Cancer
Author(s) Leo Dugo


Dealing with cancer at any age is not easy, and it is hard to stay focused and keep a good attitude. However, keeping a positive outlook and one’s sense of humor are two of the things that cancer survivor Leo Dugo found helped him and his family get through his battle against Stage 4 cancer . . . especially the humor part.


Attitude Determines Altitude takes you through the Dugo family’s roller-coaster cancer journey in the form of his CaringBridge Journal entries and present-day thoughts. Sprinkled with humor, these writings helped lighten the bad days and made the good days better—and, hopefully, they will do that for you, too.


As Leo’s father, a pilot, taught his son, the aviation phrase “attitude determines altitude” translates into everything we do in life. In other words, the better our attitude, the better our life!


Published by: Leo Dugo
ISBN13: 978-0692813744