Title: Divine Nourishment: Gluten-Free, Vegan Recipes
Author(s) Alberto Valdes and Carol Jaffe

When we are respectful of our bodies and appreciative of Mother Earth, the personal benefits are endless. The loving preparation of inspired dishes and eating consciously makes every meal an occasion for divine nourishment. With thoughtful recipes accompanied by stunning photographs, Divine Nourishment inspires creativity around vegan cooking and sustainable food. The authors, Alberto and Carol, learned through playful experimentation and encourage you to do the same. Their hope is that this recipe book serves to bring you success, not only in your kitchen and at your table, but to all areas of your life. Above all, they want you to have fun while preparing and enjoying these mouth-watering delights.

Alberto Valdes and Carol Jaffe are passionate about healthy eating and lifestyle habits. Alberto is a professional chef with more than thirty-five years of experience, and Carol is an accomplished artist with many passions.

“As a nutrition M.D., I talk about the importance of food as medicine daily. Eating a naturally colorful, plant focused diet is essential. This book allows you not only to eat for optimal health, but also to enjoy your food through the delicious recipes, which also feeds the soul!”

—Melina B. Jampolis M.D. • Physician Nutritionist Specialist, CNN Diet & Fitness Expert

“This book is filled with inspired and creative recipes. I am blessed to have tested many recipes during homemade meals at the authors’ dining table and at festivities in my own home over the years. This book is a must have!”

—Margaret Ann Lembo • author of Chakra Awakenings

“Alberto’s recipes are like heaven to me, a prayer,a blessing. Thank you so much for sharing them.”

—Dr. Barbara Lunde • Minister, Center for Spiritual Living Boca Raton, Florida


Published by: Creative Works
ISBN13: 978-0-615933863