Title: Dr. Z’s Menagerie #2 (Volume 2)
Author(s) Jerry Zuckerman, Illustrated by James Siegfried
ISBN13: 978-0692282700
Author(s) Jerry Zuckerman, Illustrated by James Siegfried
Published by: Jerry Zuckerman
If you have some unique feature
Regardless of the type of creature
And it’s causing you all sorts of trouble
Call Dr. Z, and on the double!
In the second of the Dr. Z’s Menagerie books, Dr. Z continues to solve the unusual problems of various animals. With clever rhymes and imaginative solutions, Dr. Z once again comes to their rescue.
Dr.Z’s code of conduct:
“I live by such a simple creed.
To help all those in time of need.
To me no creature is a freak.
Instead be proud you are unique.”
ISBN13: 978-0692282700
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