Title: Motiv8: Eye and Mind Candy
Author(s) Compiled by Scott Mager

Part of the You Are the Best book series


A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.

—Mahatma Gandhi


When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.

—Henry Ford


Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.

—Johnny Depp


Scott Mager is a nationally-renowned attorney, master motivator and coach, and former professional athlete, who combines intelligence, wit, and enthusiasm to create inspiring solutions that can be immediately employed by anyone.


Scott is the author of numerous books and has hundreds of published writings and presentations. Additionally, his success as a nationally-renowned attorney is exemplified in his receipt of the National Litigator of the Year Award, given by a multi-billion dollar conglomerate of companies, to only one person.


His live presentations are like theater shows, delivered with unique energy and wit. In these shows you may see any number of emotions, or see him run up and down aisles, stand on chairs, sit in the audience, dress in unique ways, bring in surprise guests, and many other unexpected and exciting activities.


Scott is known for connecting with an audience in a way that is very personal and moving. You can imagine the similar entertainment found in his CDs (including audio books) and DVDs.


His writings are equally dynamic. He has a profoundly unique way of touching you personally, explaining how and why you feel or act in a certain way, with understandable words that seem to create visual pictures of feelings and emotions. The words powerfully activate you in a way to bring intelligence, ease, action, and a greater sense of well being.


You have never met anyone like Scott Mager. He will change your life for the better, no matter what your position in life. His clientele includes many renowned CEOs, sports figures, musicians, artists, and others.


In addition to his seminars and private coaching, he has also developed the nation’s best motivational programs for young adults (high school and college level), as well as career building techniques for ­graduate level personnel. His success can be seen in the hundreds of thoughtful testimonials from people who have been positively affected by his wonderful message.


Perhaps equally significant, his dedication to charitable efforts is incredible; he has raised or donated millions of dollars to a variety of charitable causes.


Learn more by visiting our website at www.magerempowerment.com or by calling us at 1-855-YU-EXCEL (855-983-9235).



Published by: Mager Empowerment, LLC
ISBN13: 978-0-981589718