Title: Omar Speaks: On Our Way Book 3
Author(s) Omar, as channeled by Elizabeth Margolis

Book 3 focuses on bringing the reader to a higher state of enlightenment. This book is for the Truth Seeker desiring to grow themselves to even greater heights and becoming the creators that they were meant to be. The Law of Attraction is at the root of all three books. The books are meant to uplift and shine through the reader an understanding that they are all Wanted, Loved and Most of all Creators of the highest realm. Omar and Elizabeth look forward to you receiving this information and living in harmony within this Majestic Universe.

Elizabeth Margolis is a Channeling Medium. She and Omar work together to bring light and hope to the world. Omar is a stream of consciousness that communicates through Elizabeth for the “soul” desire to bring forth health, happiness, and wellbeing.

The Omar Speaks “On Our Way” series is entirely channeled from Omar to Elizabeth. The intent and the goal of these books is to assist the reader in a straightforward and uncomplicated manner toward a higher understanding of how the Universe can and does work for them.

The books are easy reads packed with tremendous insight. They are meant to be a quick and easy tool for guidance on becoming all that you wish to become and living a joy-filled life.

Published by: Omar Speaks
ISBN13: 0996363025