Title: Seven Steps to Cruising Fabulous: Are YOU ready to step aboard and set sail on a red carpet ride? Upgrade YOUR life on the ocean waves NOW
Author(s) Ellen Frazer-Jameson

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!

Do you sigh with regret instead of pleasure?
Are you waiting to live your life—one day in the future?
Do the years and the fears weigh you down?
Do you suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out)?
YES? Then this book is for YOU.

Ellen Frazer-Jameson believes that the answer to an underperforming life is to develop the Fabulousness within you. And the great news is that anyone can learn to unlock the secrets. Ellen believes YOU have the power to transform your life from ordinary to extraordinary. She has become convinced that following Seven Steps helped her achieve her fabulous lifestyle, and she is confident by following these simple steps, you too can look, feel, and be fabulous.

Cruising offers the perfect opportunity to reinvent yourself in glamorous surroundings. In this fun lifestyle guide, Ellen unveils her unique insight and guides you as you embrace and practice the Seven Steps to Cruising Fabulous! You will find yourself growing more confident, more prosperous, and more loved. You will emit a vibrant inner glow that attracts amazing people, situations, and experiences. YOU will look and feel fabulous simply by incorporating these seven steps into your life. Don’t delay—take the steps . . . NOW!

Step One: Face Facts
Step Two: Be Ageless
Step Three: Bring Riches to Your Life
Step Four: Look Good, Be Passionate
Step Five: Identify Your Dream
Step Six: Make Things Happen
Step Seven: Love and Be Loved

Published by: 4DSB
ISBN13: 978-0578549354