Title: The Personal Wellness Principles: Simple Steps to Create a Happy, Healthy, and Fulfilling Life
Author(s) John M. Bros

Are you looking for your life’s purpose—but find it eludes you?

Do you want to take control of your life—but struggle to develop healthy habits? Do you long to accomplish your goals—but can’t get your priorities straight? This book will help you overcome all these and more!

In The Personal Wellness Principles, John Bros offers a practical, easy-to-use guide that will lead you to a more fulfilling, accomplished, happy, and balanced life. These principles apply to everyone—young and old. As you begin to practice them, you’ll find yourself skyrocketing toward a life of personal wellness.

Whether you struggle with finding happiness, prioritizing responsibilities, realizing your purpose, positioning yourself for success, or discovering your passion, The Personal Wellness Principles is a thoughtful, proactive, easy-to-follow read that will change your life—helping you to become the greatest version of yourself you can be.

Published by: JIII Publishing Co
ISBN13: 978-0578750590