Title: The Soul Adventure Guide: 7 Principles for Successful Living: Featuring My True Hollywood Story
Author(s) Bobby Fite




In this entertaining and deeply insightful guide, Bobby Fite shares a wealth of life experience derived from his True Hollywood Story—an inspiring personal comeback from life-threatening depression and a remarkable 22-year spiritual journey.


This powerful book is not a series of lofty intellectual theories; it’s a collection of essential life lessons, key spiritual insights, and universal principles that WILL change your life! These “truths about living” are presented in a way that’s unique, highly relatable, and refreshingly real.


In The Soul Adventure Guide, you will discover how to:

• Achieve the goals of this life and live in harmony with natural spiritual laws

• Enjoy true spiritual growth and freedom

• Experience the deep satisfaction of the spiritual energies within you and transform your life into an exciting adventure

• Increase personal peace by learning how to shift negative feelings

• Create financial prosperity while avoiding the seductive path of materialism


Bobby Fite was a successful teenage actor in the eighties who became a recurring character on the hit sitcom Silver Spoons. As a teen, he performed in movies with some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. As an adult, he’s distinguished himself as a top-producing sales professional with the largest homebuilder in the U.S.


Published by: Soul Innovations
ISBN13: 978-0615978826